Traditionally when the women went out bush they would go hunting. Mostly for kangaroo and witchety grubs and honey ants but now a days you can buy roo tail from the butchers in town and take it out bush to cook up for lunch. This is precisely what we did. There is a camp site at Chambers Pillar now so there are fire pits for cooking....all we needed was a little fire wood and soon we had a hot cup of tea from the billy. The women had prepared the roo tail and wrapped it in foil and it was buried in the embers.
There was a lots of happy chatter around the fire. It felt very nice to be part of this.
The ever present Juju in the background...always the opportunist when food is concerned |
Roo tail and tea |
Sandra did most of the fire building and roo tail preparation |
Emily and Christopher |
Did you eat any? You're photos are great; Kern must be proud!