Monday, 20 August 2012

Chambers Pillar part 2

I know it happened a while ago but I really wanted to revisit the chambers Pillar trip with some of the ladies form the art centre.......I just have too many photos to show you.

Traditionally when the women went out bush they would go hunting. Mostly for kangaroo and witchety grubs and honey ants but now a days you can buy roo tail from the butchers in town and take it out bush to cook up for lunch. This is precisely what we did. There is a camp site at Chambers Pillar now so there are fire pits for cooking....all we needed was a little fire wood and soon we had a hot cup of tea from the billy. The women had prepared the roo tail and wrapped it in foil and it was buried in the embers.

There was a lots of happy chatter around the fire. It felt very nice to be part of this.

The ever present Juju in the background...always the opportunist when food is concerned 

Roo tail and tea

Sandra did most of the fire building and roo tail preparation 
Emily and Christopher

1 comment:

  1. Did you eat any? You're photos are great; Kern must be proud!
